What is DevOps and how can it help businesses?

The DevOps approach and application of practices have revolutionized the way companies develop, deploy, and manage software. By merging development and operations functions, DevOps promotes collaboration and communication between teams, enabling faster, higher-quality software delivery.

Continuous and agile software delivery

One of the main points is the continuous and agile delivery of software, key in the modernization of applications as constant evolution. Instead of periodic updates between long periods of downtime, DevOps enables implementation of practices such as continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), making it easier to frequently deliver software updates and upgrades. This allows companies to quickly respond to market needs and stay competitive in an ever-changing business environment.

Improved software quality and stability

By adopting DevOps, companies can increase software quality and stability through the use of automated tools and processes for testing, deployment, and monitoring. These processes allow you to quickly identify and fix problems, reducing the risk of production failures and improving the end-user experience.

DORA Recommended Metrics to Improve DevOps Performance

According toGoogle’s DevOps Research & Assessment (DORA) in its State of DevOps report, which is intended to provide teams with focus on DevOps practices and capabilities, some of the important metrics that DORA recommends for improving the performance of development and operations are as follows:

  • Deployment Frequency: The frequency with which an organization successfully launches into production.
  • Change Lead Time:The amount of time it takes for a change to go into production.
  • Change Failure Rate: The percentage of deployments that cause a failure in production.
  • Service Restoration Time: How long does it take an organization to recover from a production failure?

Software delivery performance metric




Deployment frequency
For the main application or service you work on, how often does your organization deploy code to production or release it to end users?

Between once a month
and once every 6

Between once a
week and once
a month

On Demand (multiple
per day)

Change turnaround time
For the main application or service you’re working on, what is your change turnaround time
(ie, how long does it take from code commit to successfully running in production)?

Between one month and six

Between a week and
a month

Between a day and a

Service restoration time
For the main application or service you work on, how long does it typically take to restore service when an incident or defect occurs that affects users (e.g., unplanned outage? or a service disablement)?

Between a week and
a month

Between a day and a

less than a day

Change error rate
In the main application or service you work on, what percentage of changes in production or released to users result in degraded service (eg, cause service interruption or disablement? ) and therefore need a fix (eg, required to hot-patch, roll back, deploy a fix, or apply a patch)?




Source: 2022 State of DevOps Report: https://www.devops-research.com/research.html


The State of DevOps 2023 report concludes that empowering product and service development with DevOps and achieving business objectives has been a priority for Nulogic . The company has fostered collaboration between development and operations teams through increased communication, breaking down silos, and promoting greater efficiencies. Find out how your company can also benefit from DevOps to achieve your goals and improve communication and collaboration between teams. Contact us today.